Vst Plugin Host Other Plugins
NanoHost is a free and minimalist host application which can load VST-synthesizers. It is great for live-performance, testing and sound-design. Furthermore, it can act as a wrapper which converts VST. VCV Host and Host-FX VST Plugin host WiN WiN 81.07 KB Links update: The VCV Host plugin includes two modules for the two types of VST 2.x plugins. Vst plugins to fatten. Both modules include stereo audio.
There’s never been a better time for independent DIY musicians to mix, master and produce their own tracks, to avoid expensive studio fees. You can download a seemingly endless supply of free VST plugins for music production to add to your digital audio workstation, whether that’s Logic Pro, Ableton, Pro Tools or any other easily-accessible music production software.
Here's a list of the very best. Try them out for yourself, it won't cost you a thing!
Free VST plugins for music production
If you’re looking for an awesome free effects plugin to give your track a boost when recording music at home, or a helpful tool to streamline your production, check out this comprehensive list and download the best free music production plugins for Mac or Windows from across the web.

Know of any great free plugins for music production not featured on this list?
Let us know in the comments section below!
Free creative effect plugins
If you're looking to give your tracks something extra, and make light work of creating unique sounds, take your pick from this collection of free creative effect plugins, sure to shake up your next production.
iZotope Vinyl
This fantastic free VST effect plugin allows you to mimic the dust, scratches, and warp of a worn record, as well as the electrical and mechanical sounds of the turntable it would be playing on. Download here.
Guitar Gadgets
Guitar Gadgets simulates a number of analog guitar pedals, including Delay Attack, Super Phazor, Crusher and more, and is perfect for using on electric guitars and guitar amp imitations. Download here.
Illformed Glitch
Glitch is an audio effect plugin which can play multiple effects simultaneously. It features a sequencer and a collection of great effects, as well as the ability to randomize - or ‘glitch’ - effects for some off-the-cuff inspiration. Download here.
Head Crusher
As the name suggests, the Head Crusher is not for the faint-hearted! But offers five different saturation modes to add something extra to a vocal track or make give your drums a heavier feel. Download here.
Ohm Force Frohmage
Frohmage by Ohm Force is a powerful filter with an easy-to-use interface, designed to provide warmth, dirt and many more unique effects more to produce a professional sound on any track. Download here.
Anarchy Rhythms
Anarchy Rhythms is a cross between drum machine and an audio effect. It takes an audio input and applies a customisable mix of modulation, filtering, feedback loops, oscillation and compression to create a unique sound. Download here.
Voxengo Oldskoolverb
One of the ultimate free reverb plugins, OldSkoolVerb offers a broad range of options, allowing users to create many types of reverb. It is best to be used with softer instruments like piano and vocal tracks. Download here.
CamelCrusher is a popular free multi-effects plugin, featuring two different distortion tones which can be mixed together to develop multiple textures and sounds. It’s perfect for a wide range of instruments including drums, guitars, and more. Download here.
This glitch delay plugin can be used to create robotic-sounding abstract audio effects. It includes effects like delay, modulation and others, for processing percussion and much more. Download here.
Shattered Glass Audio Code Red
Inspired by the British consoles of the late 1960s, this plugin recreates the EQ and bold overdriven sounds of the Beatles, perfect for those nostalgic riffs. Download here.
Free plugin synths
To save you from sifting through the many, MANY free plugin synths across the internet, here are a few of the very best. Try them out and let us know what you think!
Tunefish 4
Tunefish 4 is a diverse free plugin synth with plenty of sound to play with. It has something for just about any situation, whether you're looking to create bass, leads, pads or anything else. Download here.
Ichiro Toda Synth1
Modelled on the Clavia Nord Lead 2 Red Synth, this plugin features a range of great tools, including 4 types of filters, tempo delay, 128 presets and much, much more. Download here.
u-he Tyrell N6
This incredible synth plugin is a truly powerful concept and offers plenty of great possibilities for your next track. And unbelievably, it’s available completely free, so check it out for yourself. Download here.
Helm not only features everything you could ever need from a synth plugin, but also runs pretty much anywhere and is available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Download here.
Siegfried Kulmann SQ8L
The SQ8L by Siegfried Kulmann features 3 lo-fi oscillators for each of its 8 voices, plus a wide range of other great features, and can produce lots of diverse and interesting sounds. Download here.
Free mixing effect plugins
So you're ready to get to work with your mixer, but you're looking for some extra inspiration to bring the best out of your track? Here are some of the best free mixing effect plugins for all of the creative DIY sound engineers out there.
Klanghelm IVGI
IVGI not only provides very soft and subtle saturation effect, but is also able to produce a very dense and dirty sound with unmistakable distortion effects. Download here.
TDR Nova
NOVA is a parallel dynamic equalizer with the well-known format of a parametric equalizer. Each band also offers a thorough dynamics section, which means the processor can cover a wide range of applications. Download here. Guitar rig vst plugin ableton.
Softtube Saturation Knob
This free Saturation Knob plugin is a modeled output distortion that can be used to fatten up bass lines, add harmonics and shimmer to vocal tracks, or simply kick your drum loop up a notch. Download here.
MeldaProduction MFreeEffectsBundle
This effects bundle from Melda Productions contains 30 different audio effects and is completely free. Alternatively, you can pay to upgrade to the professional version for even more options. Download here.
Sonimus SonEQ
SonEQ is a digital equalizer that combines the best parts of some vintage gear in one great package. It has a 3 bands equalizer, 2 filters and a pre-amp section. Download here.
Luxonix LFX-1310

LFX-1310 is a multi-effector with 24 algorithms and 3 serial slots to play around with. Every unique algorithm on this free plugin offers an exciting new effect. Download here.
Free plugin tools
Creating a great track isn't all about adding effects. It's about being in control of your sound and getting the most out of your software. These free plugin tools and utilities can help you produce the perfect mix. Download them now and see for yourself!
Beyerdynamic Virtual Studio
This incredible free plugin tool simulates a selection of real speaker systems in different environments, so you can see what you track sounds like in a host of venues, from big concert hall to intimate stages, without even being there! Download here.
Circular Labs Mobius
Mobius is free software used for the real-time design of audio loops. Basically, it has 8 synchronized stereo loopers that can be used in any combination with extensive MIDI and computer keyboard control. Loops created can then be easily saved and loaded. Download here.
Voxengo Span
SPAN is a free real-time audio spectrum analyzer for music and audio production applications, featuring a wide range of powerful tools, compatible with just about every DAW out there. Download here.
Blue Cat Audio Gain Suite
Blue Cat’s Gain Suite offers a number of gain utilities, so you can control the levels of one or more tracks in real time, alongside a collection of other unique and exciting features. Download here.
There are hundreds of free VST plugins for music production available across the internet. These are just a selection of our favourites!
If you enjoyed using any of these plugins, make sure to share this list with your friends, or if you know of any great free effects or plugin tools not featured here, then please let us know in the comments!
VST plugin host
Use 64-bit VST 2 and VST 3 instrument and effect plugins in VCV Rack.
Control VST automation parameters and MIDI with CV.
Host Manual
The VCV Host plugin includes three module variants.Host is designed to load instrument VST 2/3 plugins, Host-FX is designed for effects, and Host-XL is designed for multi-channel instruments and effects.
Host (VST instrument host)
For hosting VST instruments, synthesizers, samplers, and sound generators, use Host, which includes 1V/oct pitch CV and gate inputs.When the gate voltages rises, a MIDI note is triggered according to the current 1V/oct signal, rounded to the nearest note.This note is held until the gate falls to 0V.
Host supports polyphonic cables patched into its CV and gate inputs, as well as key pressure (aftertouch) and velocity parameters.
Host-FX (VST effect host)
For hosting VST effects, processors, and pedals, use Host-FX, which includes stereo audio inputs.The right input is normalized to the left input, so mono audio can be mapped to both stereo channels.
Host-XL (Expanded VST instrument/effect host)
If more than 2 channels of audio are needed, use Host-XL, which includes 8 audio inputs, 8 audio outputs, and 24 parameter inputs.
Although Host-XL does not include labeled CV and gate inputs, you can send CV and gate signals to instrument plugins using MIDI parameters (see below section).
Selecting and displaying a VST plugin
Click the plugin name label (initially displaying “No plugin”) to open the list of installed VST plugins on your system.When a plugin is loaded, its editor GUI window will be shown.If closed, it can be reopened by clicking the “eye” icon next to the plugin name.
VST parameters
Up to 16 VST automation parameters (24 in Host-XL) can be modulated with CV, with an input range of 0V to 10V.
To map a VST parameter to a parameter input on Host, click a parameter label (initially displaying “- - -”), and the editor window will be shown.Adjust (i.e. wiggle) a knob or slider in the VST editor, and the parameter will be mapped.Alternatively, right-click a parameter label to display a dropdown menu of all available VST parameters.
Host also includes mappable MIDI parameters for generating certain MIDI events, such as note velocity and pitch wheel, available by right-clicking the parameter label.
Note: Many VST plugins are not optimized for fast modulation of its parameters, while modular synthesizers (and thus VCV Rack) are designed to unify the concepts of audio and modulation signals.If you send audio-rate modulation into Host’s parameter inputs, some VST plugins may behave strangely, crash, have bad CPU performance, or produce wonderful results.Use fast modulation at your own risk.
Plugin search directories
In the plugin dropdown menu (opened by clicking the plugin name label), you can add or remove directories to allow VCV Host to search for plugins in different VST installation locations.Searching is recursive, and plugins are searched immediately.There is no need to restart Rack if a new directory is added or a new plugin is installed.
Block size
While Rack modules process each sample one-by-one, VST plugins must process blocks of samples in bulk.Because of this, VCV Host waits until the block is filled before requesting the VST plugin to process audio.Lower block sizes result in lower latency but force the plugin to process more often, which consumes more CPU.
If you wish to change the block size, right-click on the panel of Host.The default size is 128 samples (2.9ms @ 44.1kHz), which is a reasonable balance of CPU and latency.The minimum block size is 16 (0.4ms), which consumes lots of CPU but has very small latency, and the maximum is 4096 (93ms), which is light on CPU but has very noticeable latency.
VST support
Hundreds of 64-bit VST 2/3 plugins have been tested with VCV Host.However, if you experience bugs or crashes with your VST plugins, please email contact@vcvrack.com with the following information: your Rack version, operating system/version, VST plugin/version, and a description or screenshot of the faulty behavior.
VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.
Host Changelog
1.2.1 (2020-10-02)
- Fix loading MikeMorenoDSP LIRA-8 VST3 plugin.
- Fix probable crash with Reason Rack Plugin VST3 plugin when adjusting parameter while another parameter is being modulated.
- Fix loading certain Yamaha VST3 plugins such as MOTIF Editor and MONTAGE editor.
1.2.0 (2020-09-25)
- Add ability to load VST3 plugins.
- Fix MIDI Gate not working when set as the first parameter.
- Add MIDI panic to context menu.
1.1.0 (2019-12-17)
- Add MIDI note gates/triggers to parameters. Useful for drum machine VST instruments.
- Add factory presets for common drum pad layouts.
- Display VST plugins in a folder hierarchy instead of a flat list in the plugin menu.
- Allow VST worker thread to be disabled, allowing VST processing directly on Rack’s engine thread.
1.0.4 (2019-08-30)
- Add “VST shell” support for plugins from Waves Audio and Expert Sleepers Silent Way.
- Fix slight tempo jitter when using a clock input.
- Improve serialization performance, which fixes plugins with large states (like Arturia SparkLE) causing audio glitches when Rack autosaves.
1.0.3 (2019-07-19)
- Fix crash when loading UAD plugins.
1.0.2 (2019-06-23)
- Limit plugin searching to 2 subdirectories.
- Sum polyphonic audio inputs.
1.0.1 (2019-06-20)
- Fix bug that makes plugin searching slow.
1.0.0 (2019-06-18)
- Add polyphonic support for 1V/oct CV, gate, velocity, and key pressure.
- Pass key presses through to Rack so the Computer Keyboard MIDI driver can be used while VST editor windows are focused. (Only works on some VST plugins on some operating systems.)
0.6.4 (2019-03-31)
- Add Host-XL.
- Allow both effect and instrument VST plugins to be loaded in all Host modules.
- Chang audio voltage range from [-5V, 5V] to [-10V, 10V].
- Add MIDI CV and gate to parameter list for Host modules without CV/gate inputs.
0.6.3 (2019-02-25)
- Fall back to storing parameter values when the plugin doesn’t support effGetChunk.
- Save and restore the VST program number.
- Loading and unloading VST plugins no longer blocks the Rack engine, avoiding pops and stutters.
0.6.2 (2018-12-05)
- Add transport controls.
- Add clock tempo sync.
- Add sustain pedal MIDI parameter.
- Chang default MIDI velocity from 127 to 100.
0.6.1 (2018-11-25)
- Add search field to plugins list.
- Add title to VST editor window.
- Fix bug where VST instruments received notes with >127 velocity by default.
- Fix bug when minimizing a VST editor window.
Vst Host Windows 10
0.6.0 (2018-11-24)
Vst Plugin Host Other Plugins Plugin
- Initial release.