The Interruptor Dub Siren Vst Plugin Average ratng: 9,0/10 1500 reviews
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I recently made a dub tune, and Bionic Delay is all over that track. It's absolutely made for this kind of music, and the updated Supa Delay was developed together with dub producer Russ D. In the context of dub, it works great on anything and everything. How to give someone my vst plugin. Drums, sax, sirens etc. The key is obviously to automate the feedback.

The Interruptor Dub Siren Vst Plugins
<IMG SRC=' .. 93/571.jpg' ALT='tape delay'> <BR> <BR><A HREF=''> download page</A> <BR> <BR>This Plugin is the tape delay from the <A HREF=' .. .html'>DUB SIREN</A> as a standalone effect. <BR>I intend to create an advanced version of this in the future (more tape heads, maybe temposync with the sequencer.). for now this is the basic version, exactly what is needed for dubbing i'd say. :-) <BR> <BR>features: <BR> <BR>- works as insert or send effect <BR>- highpass and lowpass filter in the feedback path. <BR>- adjustable simulation of tape hiss (useful for endless delays at high tape saturation levels). <BR>- all parameters controllable by midi controllers <BR> <BR>created with <A HREF=''>Synthedit</A> a shareware modular synthesizer for the pc. <BR>the tape emulation is provided by dr schmitt's free plugin <BR><A HREF=''>'js magneto'</A>. <BR> <BR>it should run on any windows platform since win98 and on any VST compatible host software like Logic, Cubase, Synthedit. <BR> <BR>I would be very glad about any feedback regarding it's performance on other systems than mine. <BR> <BR>peace & love <BR>daniel